About Weather temperature | |
About Weather temperatureThe temperature is a measure with regard to the common cold or hot concepts.Generally, hotter than another object shall be deemed that you have a higher temperature, and if it is cold, there is scope to a lower temperature to have. In physics, is determined as omvangsschaal with regard to the internal energy of a thermodynamic system, which by the principle of thermodynamics zero is determined. More specifically, it is directly related to the part of the internal energy that if sensitive energy is known, that the energy associated with the movements of the particles of the system is, in a sense, translation, rotation, or in the form of vibrations. Since the sensitive energy of a system is greater, it marks that the hotter; (i). , that its temperature is increased. In the case of a solid body, the movements in question the vibrations of the particles on their sites within the solid. In the case of monatomic ideal gas is the Translational motion of the particles (multiat. Having said this, you can use the temperature as a numerical representation of the molecular activity of matter. The development of techniques for the measurement of the temperature is by a long historical process gone, it is necessary to a numeric value to a ï intu tief idea as it is cold or warms the. The mass physico-chemical properties of the materials or substances vari ë ren depending on the temperature to which, such as his State (solid, liquid, gas, plasma), its volume, solubility, vapour pressure, their colour or electro geleidingsvermogen. It is also é é one of the factors that affect the speed be ï which chemical reactions take place. The temperature is measured with thermometers, which can be calibrated to agree to a mass scales to units of measurement of the temperature lead. In the international system of units, the unit of temperature Kelvin (k), and the corresponding scale is the scale of Kelvin or absolute on a large scale, that value zero Kelvin (0 K) to absolute zero Association ë rt, and graduated with a size equal to the degree Celsius degree. However, outside of the scientific field is the use of other scales of temperature common. The most widespread scale is the scale Celsius (formerly Centigrade question); and, much smaller size, and practically only in the United States, the Fahrenheit scale. Rankine (. A monatomic ideal gas temperature is a measure with regard to the average of their kinetic energy to move molecules themselves. In this animation, the size of the atoms of helium on their separation under pressure from 1950 atmospheres create. These atoms at room temperature have a certain average here reduced speed (two trillion times). It is important to note that the wind chills something different from the temperature in thermodynamics is determined is. The wind chills is the result of the manner in which the skin temperature of objects and\/or its environment, that is not faithful to the actual temperature of these points and\/or environmental stresses. The wind chills is a bit complex measure for various reasons: the human body measuring the temperature while his own remains approximately constant temperature (around 37 . Therefore range has no thermal equilibrium with the environment or the objects that it hits. The variations in heat generated in the human body to prevent produces a difference in the cold, which distracts from the real value of the temperature. As a result, there are sensations of excessively high or low temperature. Then the quantitative value of the wind chills mainly given by the ë nt temperatuurgradi between the subject and the part of the body that in direct and\/or indirect contact with the object (that is on the initial temperature) are based (, contact area, density of organisms, thermodynamic co ë ffici ë patients of a transfer by conduction, radiation and conveccci is. However, there are other simpler techniques that try to the measurement of thermal sensation in the various circumstances by means of a thermometer to simulate: Called a temperature of dry environmental air (or simpler: dry temperature) to the temperature of the airregardless of the heat radiation of the articles which this particular environment, and effects of relative humidity and air movements surrounding. You can use the thermometer of the mercury, with regard to whose sphere is. Air temperatures, Air temperatures Europe, Meteo Torino, evideo.si, http://meteo.agilityhoster.com |