Facts about Diamond | |
Facts about DiamondIn the mineralogy diamond (from the ancient Greek (view)). The diamond is the second most stable form of carbon, graphite; However, the conversion rate of diamond to graphite is insignificant environmental conditions. Diamond specifically renowned as a material with superlative physical properties, of which many are the strong covalent bond between the atoms.In particular, diamond has the highest hardness and conductivity t é Dysplasia of all materials. These properties determine the applicable ç ã the main industrial diamond est ã in cutting and polishing tools. The diamond has í character features not available á ó diseases. Due to its extremely r crystal structure í gida, can be contaminated by a few types of impurities such as boron and nitrog ê nio. Combined with its great transparency ê (which corresponds to an open broadband 5. the eV 5), this leads to the most natural diamonds desobstru í of the apar ê and colourless Conference. Small quantities of defects or impurities (approximately one part per million ã) induce a color diamond blue (boron), yellow (nitrog ê nio), Brown (crystalline defects), green, violet, pink, black, orange or red. Diamond also has a relatively high ã the dispers, i. ability to disperse light of different colors, which leads to its brightness character í segment. Its properties ó and mec â nicas excellent, combined with an efficient market, the most popular diamond gem. Most natural diamonds é formed in high temperature and high press ã the inside of the envolt ó River land at depths of 140 km-190 kilometres FR ô metro. The minerals which cont ê m carbon to provide a source of carbon and growth occur in per í odos 1 to 3. 3 billion ã the years, which corresponds to approximately 25% to 75% of the age of the Earth. Diamonds s ã the brought near superf í cie lands with the erup ç õ es â vulc nicas deep by a magma, cool rocks known as kimberlites í gneas and lamproitas. Diamonds may also be produced sint è tica in a process of high-press ã and high temperature simulating about condi ç õ es in envolt ó land River. An alternative, and t é technique completely different, s ã the dep steam qu ó sito í mico. Some different materials to the diamond, including carbide c ú beak of zirconia and Silicon s ã the often referred to as diamond simulants, resembling the diamond in apar ê and in many properties. Special Gemol. The diamond known é derived from an ú ad Greek classic á cl. However, believed that diamonds were recognized and mined in India, where significant alluvial ó dep Neolithic stone could have been found many s é culos á h along the rivers Penner, Krishna and Godavari. É considered shown that diamonds were known in India at least 3,000 years í, and conjectures that they knew the 6,000 years h á. The diamonds were valued as gemstones since their use as religious icons í in ancient India. Usage in engraving tools also dates à hist ó of early humanity. The popularity of diamonds has risen since the 19th century because of à 's é source increased à s t é techniques improved cutting and has polished, growth in the global economy, and à 's innovative advertising campaigns and successful. In 1813, Humphry Davy used a lens to focus the rays of the Sun on a diamond in an atmosphere of oxig ê nio, and showed that the product of ú nico combust ã era di ó carbon dioxide, showing that the diamond est ê ve made up of carbon. Later, showed that, in an atmosphere devoid of oxig ê nio, diamond est á converted into graphite. The more familiar usage of diamonds today is as gemstones é used for trim ç ã, a use that date from ancient times é. The dispers ã of white light into spectral colors é the preliminary gemol. In the 20th century's é, experts in the field of Gemology have developed m é all to classify diamonds and other gemstones based on character í the most important features of your value as a gem. The four character í, known informally as the four Cs, s ã the now used in a common way as b á physicists descriptors of diamonds: these ã the carat, cut, color and clarity (weight, size, color and purity). cheap diamond rings, Tooth implant cost, cheap diamond rings, slovreme.net, http://meteo.memebot.com |