All aboutStrong toothache | |
All aboutStrong toothacheA toothache pain usually strong é a, cont í naked emanating from teeth. In addition linfiammazione rubber\/dellapparecchiatura without teeth or similar è counted indirectly often and usually areas of nerve lirritazione and development go hand in hand. Despite their seemingly solid and sturdy structure, teeth and parts of the body, which may cause the pi ò ù disease or severe pain in the wound. There ò è due to the strong and sensitive nerve fibers that have every specific tooth. We ò show on à teeth sensitivity to hot or cold food to their inclusion in the mouth. This painful irritation in exposed Zahnh. Without enamel gi à designated with ununghia pressure on jobs suitable pu ò cause irritation, burning, in particular, if still relatively fresh wound è. Among other things the missing enamel, tooth decay and inflammatory diseases such as periodontal disease, but of course also the purely mechanical damage and damage are causes of toothache. The disease of the teeth è encouraged and all other relevant organs of the mouth due to high percentage of microorganisms, especially bacteria, which are due to the sensitive food in cavit oral à. Food particles, lumidit à and the relatively low population density à of the bodys own antibodies (even saliva) provide a favourable environment for a host-resident wildlife. In rare cases, toothache davvenimento a symptom of a heart attack can be acute ò. Tooth decay è usually a pain, usually sweet, less often from acid. Salt solutions are virtually intolerable, although they may employ an osmotic pressure and pain cause cos cos ì ì as sweet solutions.However, the human taste only concentrations substantially pi è ù low saline solutions (solution of 1%) as on the sugar (CA solutions. solution or even more ù 30%). Spontaneous pain missing the typical è dental caries. If not, è ate, for example, at night, there also pain è. Evidence of negative à vitality è. The percussion sample (sample shot) negative è. Toothache typical sweet pain triggers the sounds still out after a few minutes. Pulpitis (Figure 2) spontaneous pain-for example, even at night. Pain attacks typically begin suddenly and take on much more ù than when tooth decay. Among the attacks of pain, there are breaks with relative freedom from pain à. Initially, this pain-free breaks require several hours over several days but is reduced to a few minutes. On the one hand, è initially the duration of attacks of pain only a few minutes, but breaking the other part continuously extended. Often, there is also a continuous pain è. Meets on the course of a typical Pulpitis pain only 50% of Pulpitiden. Many variations are possible. A sample of vital à helps Pulpitis mainly to localization of tooth guilty, pi ù less however to differentiate between dental caries and Pulpitis. A very intense pain often encounter of Pulpitis, pu ò stream, so that localization much pu ò be difficult patients. Pu ò specify only the page moving, but not if the cause of pain in the upper jaw, or maxilla pi ù low è and of course, the tooth è responsible. The practitioner relies solely on information of patients, treatment can easily apply a ò false tooth. È especially with decayed teeth or teeth defects with large or defective fillings as suspicious and pu ò view produce x-rays to detect hidden caries. Lafflusso pain shot è quality à typical pain to apical Osteitis (Figure 3). According to the strength of the pain happens only after the blow with a dental instrument (such as dental probe handle) or the story è described as clear bite complaints or severe pain of the patient's bite. Occasionally the Cog pu ò cos ì touch-sensitive being, what the patient cannot even touch ò with his tongue. The tooth reacts not ò IP ù on cold stimulus (from vital à). It also remains responsive positive (strong pain by stimulating cold), if the pulp è not yet dead. There are often flowing transitions between the Pulpitis and apical Osteitis. Especially the percussion sample pu ò be gi à à a slight blow to the feelings of Pulpitis, because é the first toxins gi à reached lapex. Percussion sample a favor positive always an inflammatory process in dellosso allapex. Cost of tooth implant, Boots for desert, Meteo, Kinderrucksack, |