Things you should know - Food with sugar | |
Things you should know - Food with sugarThe candy is a food that is typically prepared with sugar. The candy is achieved by cooking of sugars. It can consume as much liquid, such is the case of the candy that above the flan is added, as a permanent body is. The hard candy eaten made usually leaving him in the mouth makes undo. This is will tend to aromas of fruits, spices and other flavorings to add. There is also sugar-free candies, thanks to sweeteners get a sweet taste without obesity or harm the teeth. The latter are mainly made to people in regime (such as diabetes). Chemically, it is used in various ways in the manufacture of food as an additive, which is also known as E150. Since ancient times and because of the need of people to light to find food and energy to provide for their long journeys, he began with some honey cereals and pulp of fruits to mix in order to express, then with the discovery of sugar was able to express what is now known as solid candies is. Rather than the sugar, already made candies to use of other substances, such as honey, ginger and licorice. The candy was invented in 1820.There are many types of candy: normal, Massif, with Lolly, chocolate, chewing gum, gelatin, spun sugar, chocolate, fruit, liquorice, spicy without sugar, garlic, bad taste, color, etc. spotted. In the latter case they are used to make jokes; mainly in Carnival or each December 28 (day of innocents). In the industri ë le manufacture of candies are often used as raw sugar, glucose and water, which is in the correct shares is combined to a syrup (treacle) to produce which is then cooked at high temperatures is. A fast evaporation produces the removal of the water in the syrup that, with a dough of candy that is cooked in different ways can be formed. The further cooling causes the crystallization of the mass, the actual candy to rigidity as it makes its packaging suitable for. Depending on the solvent (water or milk) and the recipe, the end result on é é n somehow be called. When it is made with milk, it produces the reaction with the protect ï nen the cyclic organic compounds which provide new aromas to the Maillard reaction to give. The final texture depends on the temperature in sugar syrup, as well as the presence of acids while cooking is cooked (for example, the addition of vinegar in the Oriental poaching results in a less sticky product). The presence of a solute in a liquid increases its boiling point, and therefore more percentage of sugar resolved, on the cooking temperature has risen. But when the mixture is heated, boiling the water and evaporated, and therefore increases the concentration of sugar; This makes it more to the boiling point of the mixture to increase. This ratio is predictable, and wore a temperature in the concrete mixing is achieved the desired sugar concentration. In general, at higher temperatures (greater concentration of sugar) are hard and stiff, candy while the lower temperatures produce softer candies. A thermometer is recommended to check the temperature. For more information about the boiling point and the names, see syrup. They may be in shops of sweets, pastry or confectionery are found, or bomboner. It is customary to bright colored folders, and even it may own candies are of many colours. Other techniques are also used to make them different from the rest, for example, they have biting, chewing gum, or include a stick to get them). It is curious to note that in countries such as Venezuela, in this case it is called and chupeta in cases such as they are called pacifier Peru, while in Colombia General colombina or bon bon beggar is called; the latter call because the Colombian brand of candy. In the United States in North America they are called lolly, who is also in some countries of Latin America is called. caramel candy, Clothing, Vremenska napoved,, |