About Clothing size | |
About Clothing sizeDress (also called dress, dress or vestu á) é the game generally of mat ê xteis é rias t manufactured with v á rivers materials and used for the dress, protecting the climate and à sometimes the mod é adverse stia (underwear). In its widest sense, also includes the gloves to cover the m ã, shoes (shoes, slippers and boots) to cover the p é and chap é us, tamp õ es and chap é us to cover up the ç. Objects like bags and umbrellas s ã ó rivers considered accessories rather than clothing.The word derives from clothing etimol ò logic raupjan old term germ â nico (theft, pillaging) that would later our verb steals and also assimilates ç ã the clothes, because à clothing was the coveted object of plunder. They were wearing, consequences ü often those objects that s ã capable of stealing, often being reduced to vestu min subsequent ü á personal clothing rivers. In Italian, é also currently the word steals with a much wider than our clothes from Spanish meaning, and that includes also other objects, goods usually fung í and m ó levels. Dress suits to protect particularly adverse weather: cold: clothes facilitates circulates ç ã the air around the skin and prevents consequences ü often the contact with the skin cooler air and sa í of air heated by pr é-skin. On the one hand, the fabric fibres capture the air and reparaas him; This air captured é a t é, polyglandular poor conductivity (this fact é explored also in double glass Windows). Ard ê Sun power: the tissues desobstru í of the radial velocity ç ã the ultraviolet and burn skin, and à consequences ü often protected from heat. Precipitates ç ã: rain, snow) etc.: some tissues, called rain, preventing the gua á contact with the skin. The á water é a heat absorbent very good, and the á cold water from rain or snow cause significant cooling of the person. É also used in raz ã of mod é stia. In many cultures, é frowned upon to show the body and especially the genitalia. Dress up serves to hide the genitals and the rea ç preliminary and instinctive õ es such as ere ç ã of p é nis. In the work environment (construc ç ã, f á ó factories, laboratories, rivers. à s times) needs the special clothing to protect in extreme circunst â conferences, the carrier and the environment. See protective clothing. The income of b á é River rbaros in imp turned Roman dress. The warlords wore battered when passed the pomoerium. To guide the troops-mostly, germ â nico-wore underpants, in the way of people. There was adaptation of clothing one and another side, so the barbarians have used pi ù Roman tunic short of encouraging movements. With the writings of underweight by Paulo, è known that the clothes of the Lombards were loose, usually of cloth, as they used to bring them the Anglo-Saxons, decorated with vast edges of fabric of different colors. The shoes were open nearly to the tip of finger, continue with braided belts. Lady of Flanders, 15TH º century. Generally, the most popular clothes used by principles. Cos ì for example, appearance of Charlemagne, his biographer Einhard has counted a national dress that bears the signatures of the franchise. On the body, on a shirt and underpants on a cloth of linen. Above, a tunic embroidered trousers scarcity à and silk belts around the legs and feet and a skin of Otter or rats, protecting him back and chest. Only in the days of big festival av é vain place stones used to decorate, as for example in accessories like a sword. Barbarian Kings were called regii by pelliti (King with fur) that they used to use them. Perhaps, initially for a distressing issue of climate and a luxury and decoration then made. Shortly after starting to use leather clothing. By Pablo. The regular feminine consisted of festido, even in a foot long dress, stola, è been placed upon it and used the ball, great sobreveste with edge capable of covering the head. Franco noble. I cloaks of Los were made with peroni of precious metals that were stones. Under clothes, women have worn a suit of canvas belt, a kind of bandage to hold cash. In 14TH century º, the feminine dress was wide chest to show the majority of his body and very limiting to life. The sleeves were different forms used and long lines have hammered for Earth. Shoes, sometimes decorated with ermine were just mainly cutting tip and even Sandals used to put on the sole of the foot. Necklaces, brooches and rings have become more bizarre, curious and ù very. due to the obstentaci. Compiled In 1365, Bologna. plussizeclothing1.com, Laser eye treatment, Nemet Magyar szotar, Diamond rings, Traveler's site |